Real estate investments

Commercial law

Property – Land registry law

Marin Manola
Marin Manola has graduated at University of Rijeka, Faculty of law in 2002. Croatian Bar Admission in 2012
Practice is concentrated in the commercial law and real estate area, including all aspects of corporate and real estate finance, acquisition and development and related litigation.

Law Office Marin Manola
Areas of expertise
Real estate investments
Commercial law
Sports law
Property – Land registry law
Kontaktirajte nas i dogovorite sastanak
Odvjetnički ured Manola, u svom radu, svojim klijentima jasno ističe strukturu pravnog odnosa te prati klijente u cijelom postupku od početka do kraja. Naš odvjetnički ured je predan postizanju pozitivnih rezultata.
Obratite nam se s povjerenjem : + 385 98 625 777
Marin Manola law firm is Croatia based law firm. From the firm’s offices in Rijeka and Buzet, our offices serves a diverse client base with respect to matters involving domestic and international issues.
Manola law firm distinguishes itself not by its size, but by our passion for client service. We understand that clients have alternatives when it comes to legal service and that we have to earn your business and referrals each and every day.
When approaching your case, we will analyse what must be done to answer both your legal and business problems.
At Manola law office, we clearly outline the structure of your case and walk you trough your entire transaction from start to finish. Our law firm is committed to achieving positive results.